This year has been very dynamic, because it's been the year I've enjoyed the most in my career, I’ve been learn a lot of graphic design so I’m so happy for that. I have eight subject this semester but one of that has been amazing, that subject is called ‘editorial design”. This subject is from graphic design career because there is a side of this career where We design books (all of his part), conceptual way, graphic way and physical way. During this semester, in ‘editorial design” I’ve learned so much about books (physical and conceptual ways, in Chile), also his part, his layout, his purpose and finally after all of that We’ve been doing (my class) a project, a personal project where We are doing our first book (specifically to a target group). My book is a book of poems, a conceptual book. This subject I’ve enjoyed a lot for two reasons. The first one because I’ve learned to much, inspired me a lot and I’ve known different books types, author and how has been the book...